Roasted Carrots with Cumin
This is one of the recipes created by one of our guest chefs Steven Wallis. You may recognise him as the 2007 MasterChef winner! Read more about Steven and find more of his delicious recipes here.
Roasted carrots with cumin taken to the next level with kefir, feta, apricot harissa and a drizzle of pomegranate molasses.
Serves: 2
You will need:
6 organic carrots
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon of Extra Virgin olive oil for drizzling over the carrots
100g feta crumbled
2 tablespoons labneh or keffir
2 teaspoons of apricot or rose harissa
Pomegranate molasses for drizzling
Mint leaves for decoration
A pinch of Maldon sea salt for seasoning
What you need to do:
Firstly, scrub a bunch of organic carrots and douse with olive oil, cumin seeds and Maldon salt.
Roast at 200C for 40 mins until tender.
To serve, dress with a good spoonful of labneh or kefir, crumbles of salty feta, apricot harissa, pomegranate seeds and a drizzle of pomegranate molasses.
Credits: Steven Wallis, @mr.stevenwallis