Nutrition Rocks

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Review of Nutrition Rocks’ Beauty Nutrition Workshop

October 20th 2012, St. Martins Lane Hotel, London. Testimonial from a workshop attendee…

After attending my first Nutrition Rocks beauty nutrition and body confidence workshop on Saturday 20th October, I now feel even more passionately about the need to bring this format of health, beauty and positive body image education to as many people as possible.

The workshop was made up of a small, intimate group of women and was led by Expert Nutritionist and Registered Dietitian Hala El-Shafie, alongside celebrity make-up artist Gemma Aldous and creative consultant and stylist Janine Jauvel, both from the Nutrition Rocks lifestyle team.

What struck me the most about the workshop was the incredible energy in the room, as you could feel how the informal (yet informative) structure empowered the women to combine accurate knowledge on nutrition and wellbeing with a positive attitude, to maximise health and beauty from the inside out.

London’s St. Martins Lane Hotel provided the perfect backdrop for the workshop, with its minimalistic beauty and relaxed environment (not to mention the delicious, colourful lunch that they provided)!

The workshop kicked off with some simple yet effective activities to really get you thinking about what you eat, and most importantly why. This inevitably led onto more discussion around food and nutrition with plenty of time for questions and expert tips from Hala. After lunch the group broke off for more expert advice from the team, including how to maximise your beauty potential through clever make-up tips and to dress for your shape (once you had learned what that was)!

As someone who was new to the workshops I felt empowered by what I saw – the expert advice and positive energy that was passed on to the attendees was clear to see, whilst the sisterhood was quite frankly a joy to behold.

One of the women was undoubtedly a real-life success story who beamed about how much her life had improved since attending her first workshop six months ago and becoming a client of Hala’s. She was a testament to the work that Nutrition Rocks does, and was most definitely rocking the skin she was in!