Kale, goat’s cheese and New potato salad

Preparation Time: 5 minutes                       

Cooking Time: 45 minutes

Serves 4

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·       200g New/Baby potatoes

·       200g kale

·       150g raw beetroot, peeled and quartered

·       4 round slices goats’ cheese

·       120g asparagus

·       80g peas

·       Sea salt and black pepper

·       Balsamic glaze (to serve)



·       Preheat the oven to 200oC (fan 180oC). Drizzle a little oil into the roasting tin and put in the oven for a couple of minutes to get hot. Meanwhile, give the potatoes a wash before placing in the preheated roasting tin with the beetroot and return to the oven for 40-45 minutes.


·       Heat a little oil in a heavy-based frying pan. Stir fry the kale for 4 minutes and then add the peas and asparagus for a further 3-4 minutes. Grill the goats’ cheese for 2-3 minutes on each side or until lightly browned.


·       Combine all the ingredients together, season and serve onto each plate. Place the grilled goats’ cheese on top. Drizzle with balsamic glaze to serve.
