Portion Sizes
Consuming the nutrients you need, in the amounts appropriate for you is fundamental to having a nutritionally balanced diet 1,2. It is the amounts of the food and drink consumed that are linked to portion sizes.
How Portion Size Measurements Differ
Portion sizes differ from person to person and plate to plate. The recommendations for portion sizes are also quite individual, they depend on your age, gender, physical activity level, profession, health conditions… the list goes on 3! None of these variables are considered on food labels either, which can have conflicting portion size recommendations too 4.
Confusingly, there are also many different methods to calculate portion size, varying from calorie counting, to using scales, to using handfuls as guides. There is no gold standard or one-size-fits-all answer5. We are all different, so whilst measuring a portion of cheese against a deck of cards for one person could work, for someone else it would not be appropriate at all.
Proportions over portions!
An easier way to look at portion sizes for everyone, is to focus on getting a range of foods in the correct proportions, each time we eat 6,7. Healthy adults generally all need a similar range of foods, so looking at the proportions of different foods is a practical and accessible way to try to ensure we consume a nutritionally balanced diet8. The Eatwell plate is a great example of this, it is really practical as it’s all based on proportions rather than measurements. Those with health conditions should seek individualised help from a health professional to determine the portion sizes appropriate for them to consume a nutritionally balanced diet. The advice can still be practical and visual like the Eatwell plate.
Plate size
However, plates come in different sizes so although the range and proportions could be correct, if you have a huge plate you will more than likely be overconsuming or if you have a small plate you may not be consuming adequate nutrients9. Historically plate sizes in general have grown too!
A sensible and practical approach for the general population would be to use a combined method of checking the range and proportions against the Eatwell Plate whilst using one of the fundamental principles of intuitive eating - eating when hungry and stopping when full 11. This approach to portion sizes would involve learning to listen to our body’s biological hunger needs whilst honouring health, by eating the range of foods needed to consume a nutritionally balanced diet.
So, do portion sizes matter?
Yes but they don’t have to be confusing and involve memorising multiple measurements and carrying scales around with you! You can learn to recognise and trust what your body is telling you, while following the simple proportions shown on the Eat Well plate 8.
You can read more about the fundamentals of intuitive eating on my site here
Lizzi, NutriCoach
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