Detox teas¹, skinny coffees, slimming sachets and keto diets² are just a few of the many diets and weight loss mechanisms promoted on social media³ today and more so now than ever that we’ve hit the oh so predictable “new year new you” rhetoric faced in every January magazine and social media outlet.
Especially concerning is the continued trend of “Celebrities'' and “social media influencers” promoting weight loss products through social media with zero knowledge of the impact these promotions may have on the public. As we begin our journey of 2021 some of us may be considering the lure of these fads to help with our endeavours for weight management but the risks of falling foul to these quick fixes and fads are incredibly high - So we plan to do our bit to debunk many of the diet myths and provide some helpful advice on why you need to ditch diets and deprivation for good and what you can do instead!
“Diets” have been around for decades every era has had its fashion icons from Marilyn Monroe to Twiggy to the Victoria Secret models who have portrayed their impossibly minute frames and doll like physiques (which incidentally is due to genetic gifting...) but more on that another time...
But if you’re trying to “diet” yourself to fit into any of these body shapes that are not genetically designed for you - we can guarantee you will be risking both your psychological and emotional wellbeing. Research shows how a poor diet which lacks nutrition can lead to ill health and malnutrition due to the severe reduction in calories and with many diets being formulated around the exclusion of specific food groups, the removal of a food group can be detrimental as it can prevent your body receiving all vital nutrients which are needed for day to day bodily functions⁴ (not to mention unsustainable).
“New Year, New You” is everywhere. The push to create new year resolutions specifically around weight loss goals is a lucrative pool for already vulnerable people who are desperate to achieve the unachievable ... pushing many to turn to quick fix, unsustainable diets to “try” to achieve this. Unfortunately, data demonstrates that in 2018 only 25% of Brits who created New Year's resolutions followed them through for the year⁵.
As some of us turn to diets for weight loss, Hala El Shafie registered dietitian and founder of Nutrition Rocks discusses how diets do not work and how research identifies that those who follow diets initially lose weight but long term re gain weight and in fact can re gain extra weight.
The National Eating Disorders Association reports that 35% of dieters progress to pathological dieting, with 20 - 25% of these dieters progressing towards developing eating disorders⁶. Eating disorders are on the rise with approximately 1.25 million people in the UK living with an eating disorder⁷. Common eating disorders include avoidant/ restrictive food intake disorder (DFID) and binge eating. Eating disorders can occur due to feelings and stigma around body weight and eating habits⁸. In addition to this worryingly, research shows that there is a strong link between social media usage and disordered eating conditions in young people. This shows once again, the impact these “celebrities” and “social media influencers” are having on society⁹.
Hala El-Shafie states “ influencers have zero accountability for what they are paid to promote and may also not even be aware of how detrimental the impact their influence is having on society.”
Halal El Shafie speaks about how the current climate and the recent lockdown news can have a significant impact on people's emotions and their relationship with food such as changes in routines, disturbance in sleeping patterns and a greater access to food or their kitchen throughout the day can lead to habitual grazing or boredom eating. Check out our article on emotional eating for further advice from our Nutrition Rocks team!
Hala El Shafie discusses what advice and support is available to everyone:
● If you think you may be struggling with your relationship with food, speak to your GP who can refer you to a registered dietitian or nutritionist for advice and provide support throughout the process. Alternatively you can seek private nutrition and Dietetic services
● Aim to get into a routine with regular meals including a balance of fresh fruit and vegetables (canned and frozen are suitable to)
Start by looking at what you can add into the diet to increase the nutrient density.
● Ensure that you’ve Stocked up your kitchen cupboards and freezer with canned and frozen foods as these can be really helpful by reducing the amount of time we go to the supermarket and means you always have options for a balanced meal
● Take some time to try and journal, these can help to take things off your mind and onto paper.
Make a point of making self care a priority - what are you doing to look after yourself ? Yoga / mindfulness / meditation / staying active / journaling/ having a luxurious bubble bath are all ways you can ensure me time and your own personal sanctuary and pocket of peace is maintained.
● Connection is important now more than ever - we have the luxury of the internet and our phones - so stay in touch with friends and family through video calls / zoom chats and regular messages !
Where to go for help:
● Speak to your GP
● Registered dietitian or nutritionist
● The Harley Nutrition Clinic
Hala El-Shafie Specialist Eating Disorders Dietitian
● London Centre for Intuitive Eating
● Nutrition Rocks - We have opened up our waiting list for our online body image and support group workshops.
If this is something you a family member or friend maybe interested in please email to reserve your spot!
Mental Health Services:
● Speak to your GP
● Check out some of our articles with useful resources
Intuitive Eating Support:
1. Books
● Intuitive Eating for Every Day by Evelyn Tribole
● Just Eat It by Laura Thomas
● Gene Eating by Dr Giles Yeo
2. Podcasts
● Food For Thought by Rhiannon Lambert
● Forking Wellness by Sophie Bertrand and Bari Stricoff
● Don’t Salt My Game by Laura Thomas
3. Online
● The Original Intuitive Eating
● A great time to upskill mindful eating
4. Instagram
@nutrition_rocks ~ check out our free resources on body image / emotional eating /