Nutrition Rocks

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Mark “The Thirst” Thirst Rocks

So we’re kicking off the weekend with a reminder of people we LOVE and who inspire us at Nutrition Rocks… So if you haven’t already been aquainted let us introduce you to our inspirational friend Mark “The Thirst” Thirst who not only kicks it in fitness and attitude – his music and band Rock too …

Mark “The Thirst” Thirst is no ordinary personal trainer and here we find out why!

Mark also happens to be part of funk band The Thirst who’ve toured Europe Japan, South America supporting artists such as Pete Doherty, Sex Pistols, and The Rolling Stones.

Mark tell us how you came to combine your love of music love & fitness…
My daily fitness routine is always outdoors in nature, the earth is our gym and it’s free. By educating myself in health and fitness I realised that a lot of the machines in the gym just emulate movements that we can do with our own bodyweight. So my workouts are bodyweight based mixed with high intensity cardio. High intense workouts can be as short as 10 mins but have the benefits of a 45 minute jog.

Music powers us to go that extra bit further, we can accomplish anything if it’s our soul’s desire. “What the mind believes the body achieves”. I see every workout like trying to progress in the music industry (or even in life in general), it’s going to be hard, your going to want to quit at some point, there’s a lot of bullshit to deal with, you might even be on your knees thinking you can’t go on but if you dig deep, put that work in it’ll pay off and you’ll come out smiling on the other end. Sometimes life is serious but we also all love to have fun and that’s what I like to incorporate in my workout routine, fun enjoyable activities. Passion and determination will give you the energy you need.

What’s your daily fitness and food routine?

I love food a bit too much and I’m always eating but I “try” to keep it healthy most of the time, though Christmas has just past soooo… haha.

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Skipping it will not help you lose weight, I prep my breakfast the night before.

My favourite lunch/evening meals would include sweet potatoes and raw veg (spinach or kale). I like to incorporate more than 50% of raw food with most meals.

We know you’ve got some serious skills in the kitchen… and we love what you do.

What’s your top breakfast tips?

Prepping the night before!

Mark uses jam jars and Soaks  oats over night with almond milk or water, fruit, seeds, nuts, and yoghurt

← Soaked oats over night with almond milk or water, fruit, seeds, nuts, and yogurt.



What’s your favourite lunch and evening meal idea?

My favourite lunch/evening meals would include sweet potatoes and raw veg (spinach or kale). I like to incorporate at least 50% of raw food with most meals.

← Salad with Spinach, kale, Cucumber, beetroot, red pepper, pineapple and sage.

How would you prep someone to be able to suspend sideways like you do and scale a wall ~ you can talk quick training tips on how to get started and build confidence…

Start with basics, with good form. Once you master the basics and gain strength you’ll find that you can move on to more tricky stuff with ease…

Mark you make it sound so simple!

Complete the sentence : Nutrition Rocks because…
“nutrients fuel the body and you need your body to rock!”

Mark Thirst’s 5 tips to kicking it with confidence and rocking the skin you’re in :

1) Build core strength. Everything physical movement you do comes from the core, strengthening it will help you keep good posture, build confidence and prevent lower back pain plus much much more.

2) Make wise decisions when it comes to eating. No matter how hard you exercise if you put the wrong kinda fuel in the tank it won’t function at its best. 70% of staying healthy is diet, the other 30% is exercise.

3) Push yourself that extra bit, most barriers, blocks, or obstacles are mental. ” You have the heart of a Lion GRRRRR !”

4) Educate yourself. Education is the key. Never stop learning!

5) Have fun, remember exercise doesn’t have to be boring. You can go skating, play tennis, go swimming, entertain a 5 year old for an hour. Physical activity has a positive affect on us mentally.

For personal training sessions email,

Inspirational Instagram on

Instagram: MarkTheThirst
Twitter : @MarkTheThirst