Nutrition Rocks

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Health Halo

The term “Health Halo” is often used to refer to the phenomenon of consumers giving certain foods superiority over others or deemed “healthy” based on a number of factors such as the health and nutrition claims, branding, marketing and packaging. Thus, this can lead to perception bias so consumers believe a food is lower in calories which in turn can cause overeating¹.


  1. Health halo effects in sequential food consumption: The moderating roles of health-consciousness and attribute framing | Elsevier Enhanced Reader

  2. Opinion | How Salad Can Make Us Fat - The New York Times (

  3. Testing Behavioral Hypotheses Using an Integrated Model of Grocery Store Shopping Path and Purchase Behavior on JSTOR

  4. Slim by design: Redirecting the accidental drivers of mindless overeating | Elsevier Enhanced Reader

  5. Facts about fat - NHS - NHS (

  6. Understanding calories - NHS (

  7. Calories in 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil (

  8. Coconut oil: what do we really know about it so far? | Food Quality and Safety | Oxford Academic (

  9. The Effect of Coconut Oil Consumption on Cardiovascular Risk Factors | Circulation (

  10. The Eatwell Guide - NHS (